Here in the Northeast we are currently experiencing a mini heat wave. Mid 70 degree temps, sunny, and gorgeous…it’s hard to believe it’s the end of October. My boys keep reminding me that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming and the holidays will be here before we know it. With the holiday season drawing near, so do all the “things” that come along with it. Busier schedules, parties and get-togethers, Christmas concerts and festive events, decorations and meal planning. Should I even tell you that we are only 4 Sundays from Thanksgiving and 9 from Christmas!? I’m sorry if I just induced a small panic attack!

As I’ve gotten older, I’d like to think I’m also growing wiser. I’m learning to work smarter and not harder. I’ve been on a mission for many years now to live a more simple life. I’m what some may call an aspiring minimalist…a wannabe, maybe? I certainly like things, I’m not into sparse spaces, but I do try to approach my home decorating with purpose. I want items that are both beautiful and useful. I’ve learned that everything I keep in my home requires my attention. If I want to save myself time and energy in daily maintenance then I need to reduce the items I have. Makes sense right? We all know that the holidays bring cheer, but they also bring extra stuff too.

Here are some simple ways to help prepare your home for the holidays.

1. Let It Go

Who is currently singing “Let is go, let is go…can’t hold it back anymore…” Anyway. My first tip is to let any excess go. Autumn is the perfect time for a declutter. I know most people think of Spring cleaning as the time to reset your whole home and declutter every nook and cranny, but I think this type of task should be completed at least two times a year in the spring and the fall. Before you begin to get all of your decorations out and bring those new things in, be sure to let go of everything you’ve been holding on to that you no longer need.

2. Make Room For Holiday Decor

Nothing can make a space feel cluttered quite like filling it up with all kinds of decorations. Before you start bringing in the Christmas decorations pack up your normal every day decor. Any type of knick knack that you keep out year round, consider tucking away until the New Year. This will make space for your Christmas decorations and it’s going to make your space feel really special. It’s going to give you room to truly let your holiday decorations shine and be the star of the show rather than competing with all the other decor you typically have out.

3. Deep Clean Now

October and early November are the perfect time to start deep cleaning your home. Not only are you preparing your home for winter, entering it with a fresh home, but you’re helping your future self out. No one wants to be stressed out the week before guests are coming worrying about dust bunny villages living on their ceiling fan blades or dirt n’ grime on their baseboards. Start the process now. Wipe away the cobwebs, tackle those forgotten spots in your home. Doing this now will put you in a good place. It’ll be easier to maintain and all you’ll need to do is quick tidies and some freshening in the coming weeks.

4. Stock The Pantry

I typically keep a well stocked pantry. I like to have a little extra on the shelves for a “rainy day” but, now is a great time to start preparing for the meals and treats you’re going to be making in the coming weeks. If you can start making cookie dough ahead and freezing it, make and freeze some meals ahead for those busier weeks that are coming so you and your family have easy heat and go suppers. Stock up on shelf stable ingredients for all the holiday dishes you’ll be making as well.

5. Get Your Heart In The Right Place

The holidays are a beautiful joy filled time of year. There is so much merriment to be had making memories with the people you love most. Sharing meals, fellowshipping, carrying out your favorite traditions, but it can also be stressful. We can try to do “all the things” ahead but the best thing we can do is get our hearts and minds in the right place. Be in prayer. Pray for your family as you enter a time that can quickly distract us from what’s truly important. Pray for your guests, for those you’ll be serving, for those struggling. Pray that your home would be a place of peace and comfort for all that enter. We should spend every day in the Word, but here is your reminder ( and mine) to read your Bible. Keep your eyes on Christ. I am not a big devotional person, I typically just read my Bible, but this time of year I like adding in some Advent devotionals, yes, even in October and November. We truly set the tone of our home, seek the Lord. Pray that your hospitality would bless others and glorify the Lord.


I really hope these gentle reminders motivate you and get you excited for all the fun and memories we’ll be having in the coming weeks. Thanks for stopping by today! Blessings, friends!



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